Monday, March 26, 2012


It was really neat discussing this subject in class this week. There is so much information, I'm not even sure where to start or what to include. (I'm also excited because I get a whole class on this subject next semester!)
I think one of the things that I've really learned is that the greatest way I can teach my children is by my example. I may tell them something, but if I don't follow my own rules and advice, then why would they follow it? How I am preparing now and the qualities I'm striving to develop will determine what I can teach them.
One need that everyone has is the need for contact/belonging. What happens when we don't fullfill this need for our children? What happens when we don't love them enough, or show them that we love them. They should feel like part of a loving family, one who accepts them no matter what. It's important to focus on the needs of children, not their behavior. Often bad behavior comes from an unfullfilled need. Make sure to also offer contact to children, and to teach them to contribute.
There is so much on this topic! I'm excited to study it more in-depth and I will be posting more of what I learn.

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